Gables and Co Streams Wikia

Gablesmcgee is the showrunner and loal prettyboy of Late Night with Gables and co.


Gables had relations with popcorn and went insane after Rosita aborted his unborn child. now gables rocks back and forth reciting spongebob quotes

GABLES!!! Rosita loved you, and you left her, AND SHE KILLED YOUR CHILD. Because you were pursuing a failed relationship with POPCORN!

Rosita was an old flame from Gables previous life. He couldn't face her on the day he left, so he disappeared unannounced to anyone. Having relocated to Japan, Gables lived life in hiding 'til he laid eyes on a beautiful bag of popcorn, in a scarlet bag.

He approached the bag, nervous of what will impact him from coming out of hiding, but blinded by his passion he conversed with the popcorn. They spoke about their fond memories and a common passion for butter.

Mesmerized by the popcorns seductive scarlet bag, Gables was allured to the romance that would change his perception of love forever.

It has been 3 months. Gables has lived a passionate affair with the popcorn.
